Pferd Polifan Curve Flap Disc 115mm 40 Grit – Fast Stock Removal
Pferd Polifan Curve Flap Disc 115mm 40 Grit Steelox
High-performance flap disc for maximum stock removal on steel and stainless steel (INOX).
The patented flap disc POLIFAN-CURVE has been specially developed for work on fillet welds. It
is the only flap disc in the world that has flaps on both the grinding side and on the rear side, as
well as on the radius.
■ High stock removal rate ensures fast work progress and therefore significant wage cost savings.
■ Precise and optimum grinding of the fillet weld geometry.
■ Outstanding tool life when working on fillet welds.
Materials that can be worked:
Stainless steel (INOX)
Work on edges
Weld dressing
Work on fillet welds